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FF: How long have you been creating comics?
NIKI: A decade? Yikes.

FF: What do you enjoy drawing?
NIKI: Bodies! Blushing! Intimidating ladies...!

FF: What kind of characters do you like to write/draw?
NIKI: Down-to-earth characters and slice-of-life stories.

FF: Why do you like drawing erotica?
NIKI: I love the huge range of people I get to draw, figuring out why they would hook up and what they'd get up to, how they'd have fun with each other.

FF: What drew you to Filthy Figments?
NIKI: I joined Filthy Figments in 2010, and there was nothing like it at the time! It was a small but great group of artists and they were putting out the types of comics I wanted to do too. It's amazing how it's grown.

FF: Any other comic projects you'd like to plug?
NIKI: My graphic novel, CROSSPLAY, just came out! It's a queer, smutty story about friendship and feelings, and discovering who you are and who you love through fandom.

FF: Where else can readers find you online?
NIKI: or

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