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FF: How long have you been creating comics?
FIDI: Since middle school, but the more I learned, the more I realized the less I know. Still didn't stop me from creating!

FF: What do you enjoy drawing?
FIDI: I really enjoy drawing original characters, expressions, lovers and families interactions, historical fashion and erotica, of course.

FF: What kind of characters do you like to write/draw?
FIDI: Problematic Heroes™ and Tragic Heroines™ gotta be my absolute favourites. On a more serious note, drama is always round the corner, and being the main character in one of my stories ain't easy: you might end up killed or traumatized for life. I'm really fascinated with “dark topics” like controversial/unhealthy relationships, mental illnesses and death, and I also like exploring family dynamics. But not everything's dark and gloomy; lately I've discovered a “softer” side with fairy tale-like settings and ethereal/magical creatures and happy endings. I also love period drama, and I try to be as historically accurate as possible (I can get picky when it comes to history in general), and getting to draw beautiful dresses is definitely one of my favourite parts.

FF: What inspires you?
FIDI: Books, movies, music, favourite artists, even just browsing artistic platforms can be a source of inspiration. 

FF: Why do you like drawing erotica?
FIDI: Probably because it feels realising to me, and because I genuinely love the human body. I used to be very ashamed for drawing porn, as a kid in high school, but then it kind of became one of my trademarks, in the best possible way. Also, when you happen to draw and write OCs who also are in a relationship, erotica offers you an extra reason to dig into their psychology and couple dynamics.

FF: What drew you to Filthy Figments?
FIDI: I've got to know you through my fellow artist Ariel Vittori. She only had nice things to say about you, and I was immediately drawn to you. It felt like the first trully tangible job possibility for me, and I was ecstatic. Eventually I found out it was even better than I thought: coming from a hard time, both working and personal, seeing my project accepted and getting to know some very nice people, both artists and editors, was totally refreshing.

FF: Any other comic projects you'd like to plug?
FIDI: haven't published any comic yet ("Sex Therapy" will be my online debut!), but you can purchase my previous SFW and NSFW sketchbooks (+ some gadgets) on my Big Cartel shop:

FF: Where else can readers find you online?
FIDI: You can find me on:
  • Filthy Figments Reviews