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FF: How long have you been creating comics?
DL&HP: We started with a very short historical romance set in the Ragamuffin War, published in 2015 by Dates Anthology. None of us had any idea of what we were doing, but we fell in love with the media, and haven’t stopped ever since.

FF: What do you enjoy drawing?
DL&HP: Latin American scenarios that look like they could belong to any period of the 20th century, couples with a huge height difference, different types of hair, among other things.

FF: What inspires you?
DL&HP: In erotica, we are mostly inspired by music. The mood of Bem Te Vi, for example, was set by “Quero Voltar Pra Bahia” by Paulo Diniz. We were also influenced by hentai and Brazilian books and TV series with a strong erotic element like “Gabriela, Clove and Cinammon” and “Engraçadinha”.

FF: Why do you like drawing erotica?
DL&HP: Why do you think? Haha.
Jokes aside, we’re constantly creating characters and couples, and they don’t always have a strong plot outside of their interactions. Erotica is a great way to make them happen because it’s all about the chemistry, besides being a fun genre that we both love.

FF: What drew you to Filthy Figments?
DL&HP: We always wanted to do erotic comics, but we didn’t know exactly where to start. We discovered Filthy Figments a year before it was open to submissions, and we waited anxiously until we could send something. It worked out, and we love it!

FF: Any other comic projects you'd like to plug?
DL&HP: We have a couple of projects in the making, and you can follow us on Twitter for future previews and news.

FF: Where else can readers find you online?
DL&HP: You can find us on Twitter (@dntlz and @hachepueyo) and our websites ( and (!

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