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FF: How long have you been creating comics?
ARIEL VITTORI: My very first comic was for Filthy Figments 8 years ago and I haven't stopped making them since then!

FF: What do you enjoy drawing?
ARIEL VITTORI: I like drawing food, people cuddling, pokémon. 

FF: What kind of characters do you like to write/draw?
ARIEL VITTORI: I like to bring life to characters that endear themselves to me even in their flaws: characters that feel human.

FF: What inspires you?
ARIEL VITTORI: Ursula Le Guin, Neil Gaiman, Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, Bastien Vivès, Kali Ciesemier, Emily Carroll, too many talented, awesome people and things!

FF: Why do you like drawing erotica?
ARIEL VITTORI: I feel like it shows such a raw, intimate, tender side of human nature and relationships, which is wonderful to bring out in myself as I create, in the characters... and, ultimately, in the reader.

FF: What drew you to Filthy Figments?
ARIEL VITTORI: I was a big fan of Megan (Rosalarian) from YU+ME and following her social media I saw she was an author in this cool project... with open submissions. I was just a little over 18, pitched something without really believing I would make the cut because I wanted so strongly to start making something, and not just dream about being a comic artist. And it happened!

FF: Any other comic projects you'd like to plug?
ARIEL VITTORI: I'm an Editor and Co-Founder for Attaccapanni Press (@grimorio_comic on Twitter, on Instagram), and I'm super proud of the Anthologies we make, although we're only printing in Italian so far (but you can find my baby, our Erotica anthology in English here!).  For Filthy Figments I've drawn from 2015 to 2016 a series of chapter that eventually became a graphic novel, now available in full outside the subscription wall: Little Waiting

FF: Where else can readers find you online?
ARIEL VITTORI: I try and stay active on facebook (, twitter (@eryslash) and instagram (@arielv_art)! 

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